uswt conventions
The United States Women of Today meets twice each year: Mid-Year Convention and Year-End Convention. The purpose of the Mid-Year Convention, usually held in October, is to present awards, and to hold a business meeting. The purpose of the Year-End Convention, usually held in June, celebrates our end-of-year with awards, and elects and installs the USWT Officers for the next year.
If you plan to make a motion at the meeting, please plan ahead so the USWT Staff is ready, and submit a Motion Slip prior to the meeting.
2024 uswt mid-year convention
october 11th & 12th
We are collecting food items for the Foodbank for the Heartland at USWT Mid-Year Convention in Omaha. Food Items most needed are: Peanut Butter, Canned Fruit and Vegetables. Macaroni & Cheese, Pork & Beans, Canned Tuna & Chicken, Pasta & Sauce, Cereal Boxed Meals, Pancake Mix, Rice. Join us for a site visit at 4pm on Thursday as we tour their facility.